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– The Spirit-Led Body –

Unlock the biblical secrets to a dramatic mind, body, & soul transformation in 28 days

Release weight, reduce stress, and unleash the power of scripture & science to get in the best physical, mental & spiritual shape of your life.

Workouts • Devotionals • Meditations • Motivation • Journal

Freedom From Shame, Insecurity or Guilt About Your Body

Genesis says that we were created to be  unashamed about our bodies. Psalm 139 says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made! How can we live a life of self-love and self-care in a world where body shaming is everywhere and that is constantly telling us that we are not enough?

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The Weight Loss Delusion: Don’t Lose Weight - Release It

Many of us lose and gain the same 5,10,15lbs over and over again. We go from one plan that works temporarily to another that is a modified version of the last plan and produces the same results. We are looking for purely scientific solutions to a spiritual problem. Find out  the spiritual needs driving your unhealthy food choices and how you can meet those needs in a healthy way and release unhealthy weight forever.

From Stress to Sabbath & Shalom

Relieve Stress, Overcome Anxiety, Find Peace

An uplifting, faith-based approach to wellness that will help you discover how the power of a divinely connected mind, body and soul will bring you a heart at peace and a calm, focused mind.


Why faith-based wellness?

Robert's Story

After witnessing three of his congregation members pass away due to preventable, obesity related Issues, ordained pastor and celebrity wellness expert, Robert Brace decided it was time to return to his church roots with biblical inspiration to help christians free themselves from the insecurity of feeling shame about their bodies.

His mission is to help believers gain the confidence that comes from being in control of their appetites and health, while empowering christians with faith-based solutions to live a healthy lifestyle, release weight, reduce stress and embrace wellness.

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The Spirit-Led Body

Program Membership Includes:

  • Spiritual Needs-Based Eating: Identify your specific food relationship, discover the unmet spiritual needs driving our unhealthy food choices and how to meet them in a healthy way.
  • Living The Shalom Lifestyle. Doctors have named stress, 'The Silent Killer."This section shows you how to overcome stress and find peace in all situations.
  • How taking care of our spiritual health and physical health are connected.
  • How to build healthy convictions around living a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
  • Weight Release vs Weight Loss: How to release weight forever instead of consistently losing weight and finding it again.
  • Food Is your Friend not your Foe!
  • Small Group Leader Training. Discussion Group Material.

Program Materials Preview

Faith-Based Edition

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